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How to Kill the inner devil


The way you studied deeply about your feelings, thinking etc. in the previous chapters. The things you will learn in this chapter will rejuvenate your thoughts.The way you must have heard about the Ramayana of Hindu religion or must have known that when Purushottam Shri Ram was born on earth, the earth was occupied by demons. 

He was not allowing humans to live in peace. The sages were not allowed to pray to God in peace and meditate on God. Then Shri Ram Prabhu incarnated and fought the demons one by one and destroyed the demons from the earth and Ramraj came and people started living happily. 

In the same way, in Kurukshetra like your mind, some habit in the form of a demon is leading life to sadness, despair, today theft, slander, failure, failure today.

Their only motive is to create trouble and pathetic situation in your life and they get themselves expressed through your five senses and they are demons.Falsehood, deceit, dishonesty, chubbiness has always played a major role in destroying their lives. If you want to live life on the best . 

Youu want to live happy life so destroy these demons inside you immediately because it never allows your inner strength to work for your good for health the good of the society and what are their effects in life and how they affect our life in a negative way. They affect all these things need to be known one by one and one by one it is also needed to be removed from your life.


Today, the biggest monster inside a human being is lying, when you lie to another person about small things, then on the other hand your dignity of big and important things falls. You would feel it when you lie to a person. I made a fool of them. But the truth is, you are making a fool of yourself, not that person. You are deceiving Yourself. 

You must have heard a story. There was a shepherd's boy, who used to go to the forest to graze sheep. Nearby farmers used to go to work in their fields and the boy used to be very mischievous. One day a thing came to his mind, why not joke with people. The people laughed and he made up the idea that he would trouble people and gather people in his place. 

Onee day when he comes to the forest and sees that all the farmers have come to work in his field, he brings an idea in his mind that how to fool the people, then an idea comes to his mind. 

Thatt let's tell the people that the hyena came and he starts shouting. Come save the hyena! Save the hyena came, save the hyena came, all the farmers leave their field and run to save him and the boy is sitting on the tree and as soon as the farmers reach there with weapons, the boy starts clapping and laughing loudly. And says I fooled you guys. 

I lied to you all guys. I lied to you all guys, all the farmers got angry. They start talking among themselves that they leave their work and come to save it and he tells lies. All the farmers go back to their respective fields. But the boy has a habit of lying. 

Thenn he plans again how to trouble them again and after a few days the boy starts crying again. Save me Save me Save me! The hyena has come and will eat me. Then the villagers of the village come running with their own weapons with the intention of saving him. But then they are only disappointed. He clapped and laughed that I fooled you guys. 

I lied to you and the farmers go back in anger. Then all the farmers decided that we should not believe its words. The boy here plans how the farmers will be fooled by lying to them again. After a few days when he reached there, in reality the hyena came there and the boy started shouting. Save me Save me the hyena will eat me. 

Save me Save me All the farmers listened to him, but no one was ready to go there. Eventually the hyena killed the boy. The lesson to be learned here is that you should never tell a lie to anyone because it is only the person who tells the lie from every side. Loss of life, loss of honor and loss of identity.

"One lie is all it takes for someone to lose their faith in your the best you can do is always be upfront always be real and always tell the truth."


The second demon which is present in the human being, that is the deception, today man cheats even the best gentleman for his own benefit. But you do not know that when you deceive others you deceive yourself. 

When this habit develops in you in a big way, then the first victim of this is your respect, the second victim is your business and the third is you yourself. If you have any such feeling about someone then you leave it at that place.


The most dangerous monster is that this habit of dishonesty develops inside the human being due to attachment and greed and gradually becomes a part of human life and human starts living with it helplessly. You will see it often. You go to small shops and after taking the goods, if the shopkeeper accidentally returned you 10 ₹ 5 more, then you happily keep it in your pocket and secretly leave. 

In that you feel proud of yourself at that time. But the truth is that with that 10 ₹ 5 you cannot buy a palace, nor will you buy a car, nor will you be able to set up any big business. But if you lose your respect in your eyes then life if there is any habit like this then you should immediately end it forever and break the relationship otherwise this habit will spoil your fame and you will get this Will not let you live with respect.


Backbiting is a habit of a person, which is detected very quickly. When you tell a small thing behind someone's back by making it big, then you harm yourself in it. You must have come across many such stories in your mind, the faces of many people who have slandered you or chuckled about you at one time or another. 

You should ask yourself whether you give respect to such people from the heart and your answer will be no, some such words have come in your mind towards them which you do not want to speak. If a person scolded you even once, then you remember till today. 

If you chuckle with anyone, then he will remember him for life and your honor and dignity will all be tarnished.These are four such monstrous habits that harm you mentally, socially, physically. Ultimately it also makes you helpless. Therefore, at any point of your life, never choose such habits under any circumstances. 

No matter how pathetic the situation may be. Never make life helpless, nor will this habit ruin you and your whole life in vain.

Surya bhan motivational speaker, law of attraction coach, leadership Trainer, business coach, NLP trainer, Ho oponopono healing trainer, public speaking trainer, youth educater, mind expert,and Advanced law of attraction coach.


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