Introduction Do you know which is the most dangerous and dreadful disease of this century. Think! think ! think ! ok ! Let me tell you what is that dreadful and dangerous disease which no doctor has a cure for and no medicine can cure it. That's a disease. Negative thoughts towards yourself , Yes ! This is the most terrible, dangerous and strong disease. Its patient has its treatment and today in this article we will talk about how you can conquer your negative thoughts. Let's go ahead. Identify your negative thoughts Monitor your own thoughts. Now you will feel how it is possible to monitor thoughts. This is really a very difficult task. You are right in thinking that millions of thoughts come to your mind everyday. It is not possible to monitor, how many thoughts will you monitor? It is not possible. you should know that 96% of the thoughts that come in your mind daily. and only 4% are new thoughts and on the other hand you have to monitor those thoughts which are nega...
Motivational speaker,Business coach,Leadership development skills trainer,Public speaking trainer, Breakthrough business trainer, Youth educator , Faith builder, Network marketing trainer,MLM expert,Sales expert,