5cs which is your character worst Enemy 5cs 5Cs which is your character worst Enemy Introduction Today everyone have a unbreakable desire to be papulor. Every one wants that people recognise him by his name. Everyone wants to be neat and clean character personality. You also strongly would like to be such as person which I have already mentioned about above the sentences. But the question arises that all the things that I have mentioned, is it easy to do to be to achieve to get all these things? There comes 5 such things that make you completely destroy your personality and your character. And I want to mention about those 5C's in this article. (1) Condemn In this time people have one which is extremely dangerous ability to demolish you and your personality and character is that condemn. It's really most dangerous and dreadful habit of every human being. Condemn is a habit that you do to others. You will see in others but it develops inside you deeply rooted and devel...
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