Introduction Have you ever thought that the person who is working with you, he is living a better life than you now? Earning good income, What do you think God has developed some special abilities in him that is not in you? God has made everyone equal and has put all that ability in everyone. All the abilities have been constructed so that every person can be successful by identifying his potential and working on it. But now the question is why some people are living a very good life and some people are not living that much better life, why some people have a very good job and some people are living entire life on a normal paying job. Some people have extremely high status and some people are longing for it. But why? To be very successful in life, 35,36 abilities which we consider as the recipe for success and attitude comes first in those recipes. Do not misunderstand the meaning of Attitude Attitude means to see things as they seem, that is not the attitude, Attitude is the firs...
Motivational speaker,Business coach,Leadership development skills trainer,Public speaking trainer, Breakthrough business trainer, Youth educator , Faith builder, Network marketing trainer,MLM expert,Sales expert,