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How to get rid of negative thoughts and clear negative feelings and thoughts from your entire life


finding it out What is positive thinking and what is theillusion of positive thinking that you learned in the first chapter? In this chapter, we will first learn to know this. What is negative thinking, how is it recognized and how can we get rid of it. 

How do we remove it from our life? Who deprives a person of achieving life's dream, income and happiness according to his desire? It is obvious that the answer to this question must have come in your mind and that is the negative thought which is covered like a black cloud around the human being and which plays a game with the human being by taking different forms. 

Sometimes becoming depression, sometimes becoming anxiety, sometimes becoming a problem of money and sometimes becoming a problem and sometimes anger keeps on coming in the life of a person. 

And man does not recognize this negative thinking and at a very fast pace it destroys the true power of man and the secret purpose of coming to earth and which is melted like a sweet poison in human life and slowly Like the spider web of human life, it clings to its intentions with human happiness.

To recognize negative thoughts, first of all we have to understand negative thoughts because unless we understand it properly, we will not be able to conquer it. Even after wishing, we have been trying to get rid of our negative thoughts for a long time. 

But could it not happen because behind every action there is a principle between removing every negative thought. Why by following principles from it you can get rid of this negative thought and I proceed now to tell you principles from that.

(1)  Self generated thoughts 

Today the biggest barricade on your feet which is stopping you from succeeding is not letting you succeed which is the reason for your misery and failure. That is till selfgenerated talk, that today man talks less with others and more with himself. Arguments. 

If you ever carefully and honestly observe the sentences you say to yourself, your eyes will be wide open and you will be completely stunned. Tell yourself that you are speaking your sentence against yourself.

Sentence I know that

I am very weak.

I know that my friend dislikes me. 

I am not as smart as John.

I wish I could be as rich As William. 

Mohan is more popular than I am.  

I must not be anything in future.  

William treats me like an animal.  

I was treated as an object.

Those sentences mentioned above are yours. You have created it and it will become fatal for you. Whatever sentence you have spoken. Read it carefully once and read it honestly and after reading you think if you like yourself as much as you are worried about your dreams. Unless you like yourself, your dreams are not going to like you 

either.You read the above sentences and tell God is the cause of your misery, failure, despair, poverty, disease etc. or yourself.

I am giving some more relevant questions below. If you are an honest, conscientious and truthful person, then you should answer these questions honestly. 

  Irrelevant questions

Who is the reason why you are poor

1 God or you yourself

Who is the reason for your failure and misery?

1 God Or You yourself

Who is causing problems in your home?

1 God Or You yourself

If you are in debt then who is the reason?

1 God Or You yourself

Who is responsible for your negative thoughts, discerning and consequences?

1 God Or You yourself

If you answer these five above questions 

with honesty and integrity then one thing becomes completely clear that your self-talk is completely negative and stop programming it in your mind because of that, as much as programming The more you do, the more negative results will continue to happen in your life. 

Will keep on coming and you will be under the same illusion that why all these things are happening in your life. Actually your life depends on your thoughts and your thoughts are in two ways. 

There is a negative one, there is a positive one. Both thoughts bring equal results. The more you work On what you think. The more you are aware of the idea about which the same thought will develop in your life and accordingly your life will also be made.

(2)Emotional thinking

Do you remember now about the sentence of your teacher that he used a short and sharp sentence for you that you are very weak.

You are a very stupid child.

You are the weakest boy in the class.

You are the silliest kid in the class

and all these sentences connect with your feelings immediately.Forces you to live according to the sentence and you make it a part of your life. 

Your conscious mind saves the thing said in an emotional way in the memory and from there it starts damaging your confidence. 

Don't think negative things of any person drain emotionally and you always take positive thoughts and think about the same things.Being mentally alert, and strong with your sentences

I can do it.

I deserve a better life.

I am happy living a better life.

I know my strength.

I have great potential.

God is my partner.If you use the right sentences emotionally then your subconscious mind creates a new world. You are the toughest person in this world with whom you desperately need to work. 

There are Four most dangerous habits in life that you urgently need to give up otherwise it will keep hurting you both from the inside out and the outside.


Jealousy ranks first among negative thoughts and it is such a demerit that children from 4 to 5 years old and the man who lay on the bed of death. 

It exists inside that person and it is such a negative thought that is found in all unsuccessful people. It exists inside the businessman and the politician. This negative thought degrades you mentally, physically, socially and financially. 

A successful person, businessman, monk,politician, others, successful person, businessman praise the monk with heart and heart. Don't praise ostentatiously. which is the first habit in you that envies that the sooner you get rid of it it will be better because it destroys you mentally, financially.


2 Comparison

If you compare yourself with other people's qualities, good, bad, success, failure etc. then you are placing yourself in the lower category which is what happens when we compare ourselves to another person.

Replace your creative thinking with negative thinking. Change creative life into negative life. God has created each human being with different abilities

God has ranked the habit of comparison as one of the most dangerous and absurd habits of life. Compare yourself. It means comparing yourself to yourself as inferior to yourself. 

Putting yourself down is your quality of your success and your happiness being another person's quality success. There is no need to compare yourself with a person because God has created you in a unique way and proves your unique way in a better creation and never compares yourself in a negative way.

3 Deplore

God has bound everything, whether it is human, animal, object, stone or plant or himself, through an energy. If we are speaking wrong about another person. This means that we are speaking wrong about ourselves. God says if there is a feeling of condemnation about someone in your thinking. This is also a negative. This is also a negative thought because all thinking is from Good quality, bad quality habits,success, failure, happiness, sadness and happiness. Illness is just a product of your thinking.

4; Doubt

Doubt is a habit ranked in the fourth category of negative thinking and the biggest enemy and dream destroyer of negative thinking people is the thought and habit. This negative thought also destroys you physically, mentally, and socially. 

All the negative habits and thoughts that are there inside the human being are the only reason to remove the human race from their dreams, relationships, and society. 

If you strengthen these four negative thinking negative habits like strength pillars. Nobody can achieve great success in his life by staying with them.The relationship between these thoughts and all success is like a lion and a goat. 

If you find a lion in the house, then the chances of having a goat will remain 100%. In the same way, if you have a negative habit of negative thinking.

Surya bhan motivational speaker, law of attraction coach, NLP trainer, Ho opono pono healing trainer and Writer,  


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